Books On My To-Read List That I’m Avoiding

Have you ever had that uncontrollable need to compulsively add books to your To-Read section in Goodreads? I think the most common problem between readers is our endless, constantly growing TBR.

Since even if we stayed at home all day every day we wouldn’t be able to tackle that TBR, we need to prioritize certain books. So here are five books that for one reason or another have gone further and further down my TBR list.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Go check her website out! 


The Magpie Lord – K.J. Charles

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I was really excited when I discovered this book on Kindle. In fact, I got so excited I bought it. The only reason I’ve been avoiding it is that there’s a couple of books in the series (I think there’s three novels and three or four novellas) I’m not in the mood to start a new series yet considering I’m still halfway through a couple.

The Thousandth Floor – Katherine McGee

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I added this for the hype. I remember everyone talked about this book, I used to see it everywhere. I don’t even know what it’s about though, and through time, I’ve lost interest.

Love Lies and Spies – Cindy Anstey

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I added this for the cover. Look at it, isn’t it gorgeous?  I keep pushing it back my TBR for some reason. The cover is pretty, the plot sounds interesting, I just haven’t gotten to it. I’m sure I’ll read it someday.

The Wrong Side of Right – Jenn Marie Thorne

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There’s so many, SO MANY books on my TBR that I have NO IDEA why I added. This is one of those books. Was it the cover? Was it the plot? I have completely forgotten about it.

Fence – C.S. Pacat and Johanna the Mad

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I’ve wanted to get into these comic books since they started to come out. I love C.S. Pacat’s Captive Prince trilogy and I’m sure I will love this story. I’m just not sure what to do with it. I’d like to buy the physical copies, but also having it on the kindle would be more practical. Since there’s a lot of them I’m not sure what I should do yet.


So how about you? What are some books you keep pushing down your TBR? Add your TTT links in the comments!


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