Top Character Relationships

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Go check her website out!

For today’s freebie, I thought I’d talk about some character relationships in books that are relevant to me for one reason or another (in no particular order.)

1. The Raven Boys

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Gansey, Adam, Ronan, and Noah are very much the reason why I enjoyed this book. Their relationship is so complex and beautiful, it keeps the plot alive. If you took every other aspect from the structure of the story and left these characters, I’m sure it wouldn’t change that much. If you took any of the Raven Boys though, I’m sure the story would be drastically different.

2. L and Light, Death Note

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I’m sure anyone who’s familiar with this story knows this is one of the best cat and mouse plotlines of all time. L and Light are the perfect rivals. They constantly challenge one another, they know each other so well that they keep each other on their toes all the time, alongside the audience. The plot twists are magnificent, but the story wouldn’t be what it is without the tension between these characters.

3. Monty and Percy, The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue


I’m sorry, they had to be on this list. There is no way to explain it if you haven’t read it, so just go read the book.

4. Harry, Ron, and Hermione

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The perfect trio. Growing up, they were the absolute example of what friendship should be like. Granted, I’m not a fan of the Hermione and Ron love story, but as a trio, this is one of the most influential relationships in books to me.

5. Ari and Dante

A and D

I would spoil the book if I explain why this relationship is so special. I went into this book knowing nothing, and I think you should too. If you have read it though, I’m sure you understand perfectly well why this relationship is on my list.

6. Lord Henry Wotton and Dorian Gray

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I could write a whole article about this relationship, but in short, I think it’s one of the most complex relationships ever written. Dorian is fascinated by Lord Henry, by his sense of freedom and by his words. If Dorian did not meet Lord Henry, there would be no story. Lord Henry introduces Dorian to the pursuit of Hedonism (which is the view that our fundamental moral obligation is to maximize pleasure and happiness). While Lord Henry would like to live a hedonistic life himself, he doesn’t want his position in society to be affected, and so he influences Dorian instead, who starts to live like this. I think we can agree that Lord Henry is not a good influence on Dorian, but are they friends? Lovers? Enemies? They’re everything and nothing, and that’s the beauty of it.


What are some of your favorite character relationships? If you have a TTT, link it down below!




19 thoughts on “Top Character Relationships

  1. I love what you’ve written about Dorian and Lord Henry – theirs is such a complex, hard/impossible to explain relationship that one could analyse for ages. I adore Monty and Percy, they are so darn cute together, and fit together really-really well despite, or because of their differences. Great list. 🙂

    My TTT


  2. Ooh cool topic. I’ve heard good things about Monty & Percy- I should read those. 🙂

    And I haven’t replied to my comments yet but yes Travelers is worth watching haha! I was so bummed they canceled it after two, but it wraps up pretty well. and Black Spot is eerie and amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such a juicy topic, love it. Those Aglinby boys are the true magic in The Raven Boys, agreed! Ooh I’ve never heard much about a relationship at the center of Dorian Gray, very intriguing.

    Liked by 1 person

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